Splish splash splosh
I am using the awesome kit splish splash slosh kit from Seaschell available HERE
Vix mask 44 HERE
This tutorial assumes you have prior knowledge of using psp and its tools, I used psp 9 to write this tut,although i see no reason it cant be done in other versions :)
Onto the tut.
Open a new image 600X600 floodfill with white.
Open element 52 ( green circular frame ) resize by 70% then by 90%. Paste as a new layer.
Open element 52 ( green circular frame ) resize by 70% then by 90%. Paste as a new layer.
Find paper 2 and go to effects~plugins~muras clouds with the settings below.
Now copy and paste this as a new layer, click the frame with your magic wand select inside the frame and so to selections~modify by 4 then back to your paper selections ~ invert and press delete on your keyboard, then make sure the cloud layer is underneath the frame.
Find the sand element and resize by 70% X 2 paste as a new layer and place at the bottom on the frame, then again find the frame layer using the magic wand inside the frame modify by 4 and click delete on your keyboard making sure you are on the sand layer.
Add the mermaid of your choice from the kit and mirror/resize to your liking and place her on top of the sand.
Click onto the sand layer and add the palm tree, i resized this by 70% x 3.
Add other elements to your liking look at my example for placement.
Finally add paper 11 as a new layer directly above the bottom layer and add a mask of your choice. I used vix mask 44.
Add you name and (c) info and save as a jpeg. Remember if you are are using the same tube as i have you must add the scrap kit maker as the (c) otherwise make sutre you add the (c) of the artist you choose to use if this is a pay for artist make sure you have the correct licence to use their work. :)
This tutorial was written by Steffy on 13/06/09 and is completly outta my head, so if there are any others out there thats just a coincidence. Please feel free to text link ONLY to this tut, and send people here to do the tut no part of this tut can be copied to another site wothout my express permission.
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