Sunday, April 05, 2009

I Want Candy Taggers scrap kit

I've been a member of Slimming world for almost 12 weeks now and i've lost over 11lbs which is fab but somedays i still get those cravings for sweeties lol
I had a major sweetie craving today so instead of stuffing my face with random sugary snacks i decided to create my first ever scrap kit based on sweets instead.
So heres the result. It has lots of elements (i lost count lol) and 13 papers.
The previews are below and the download link is below those :].
If you do download it please try to leave a comment or a thankyou and if you create anything with it I'd love to see!
Theres no dropshadow on the actual items, only on the previews here.
Hmm and blogger and photobucket have made the preview of the elements all "bitty" they arent rough edged in reality, only on the preview. All elements are not shown either but are in the kit itself :]



